Medical illustration depicting prolapsing Uterus in sagittal section.
Low Res for iPad and online use: 1200x1055px, 72DPI, 553Kb: $AUS400
High Res for prints: 25x22cm, 300DPI, 23.1Mb: $AUS600
(plus GST in Australia)
Uterine prolapse
$400.00 – $600.00
Medical illustration depicting prolapsing Uterus in sagittal section.
Low Res for iPad and online use: 1200x1055px, 72DPI, 553Kb: $AUS400
High Res for prints: 25x22cm, 300DPI, 23.1Mb: $AUS600
(plus GST in Australia)
SKU: O-G005
Category: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O-G)
Tags: pelvic_diaphragm, pelvic_floor, prolapse, rectocoele, uterine_prolapse, uterosacral, vagina, vaginal_wall, vaginalVault
Resolution | Low, High |
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