Dental implant illustration depicting different stages of the Implantation procedure in one image.
Low Res for the web: 1200x1232px, 72 DPI, 741Kb: $AUS400
High Res for prints: 24×24.6cm, 300 DPI, 24.9Mb: $AUS650
(plus GST in Australia)
Dental implant
$400.00 – $650.00
Dental implant illustration depicting different stages of the Implantation procedure in one image.
Low Res for the web: 1200x1232px, 72 DPI, 741Kb: $AUS400
High Res for prints: 24×24.6cm, 300 DPI, 24.9Mb: $AUS650
(plus GST in Australia)
SKU: D01
Category: Dentistry (D)
Tags: Abutment, ArtificialRoot, bloodVessel, bone, boneGraft, BoneImplant, cementum, circulation, CirculatorySystem, crown, dental, DentalImplant, dentine, dentist, dentistry, device, diagram, enamel, endodontist, EndosseousImplants, equipment, erosion, FalseTooth, gingivitis, gloved, implant, implanted, implanting, implantology, ImplantSupportedBridges, incisor, incisors, inserting, instrument, internal, jawbone, medical, medicine, metal, molar, mouth, operating, oral, OralAndMaxillofacialSurgery, Osseointegration, people, PeriodontalDisease, periodontalLigament, person, pin, preidontist, prosthesis, prosthetic, pulp, RecedingGums, replacement, replacing, screw, section, sectioned, sequence, series, stage, stages, strong, surgery, surgical, technological, technology, teeth, titanium, titaniumScrew, tooth, toothLoss, vascular, vein, venous
Resolution | Low, High |
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