Medical illustration depicting Endoscopic Ultrasound of the upper and lower digestive tracts. This composite image displays usage of Endoscopic ultrasound in:
A: Oesophageal wall screening,
B. Stomach wall screening,
C: Pancreatic cyst aspiration,
D: Liver and Gallbladder screening,
E: Rectal screening.
Low Res file for the web: 1200x1318px, 72DPI: $AUS500
High Res file for print: 23×25.27cm, 300DPI, 24.5Mb: $AUS700
(plus GST in Australia)
Endoscopic Ultrasound – Gastrointestinal
$500.00 – $700.00
Medical illustration depicting Endoscopic Ultrasound of the upper and lower digestive tracts. This composite image displays usage of Endoscopic ultrasound in:
A: Oesophageal wall screening,
B. Stomach wall screening,
C: Pancreatic cyst aspiration,
D: Liver and Gallbladder screening,
E: Rectal screening.
Low Res file for the web: 1200x1318px, 72DPI: $AUS500
High Res file for print: 23×25.27cm, 300DPI, 24.5Mb: $AUS700
(plus GST in Australia)
Categories: Gastrointestinal (GIT), Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Tags: abdomen, abdominal, abdominoscope, abdominoscopy, abnormal, anus, bileDucts, biopsy, cancer, cancerous, digestiveSystem, disease, disorder, duodenum, endoscope, endoscopic, EndoscopicUltrasound, endoscopy, enlarged, esophageal, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophagus, excising, excision, FINA, FineNeedleAspiration, forceps, galbladder, GastricCancer, gastrointestinalTract, inflammation, inserting, instrument, interior, internal, intestinal, intestines, KeyholeSurgery, laparoscope, laparoscopic, laparoscopy, lesions, liver, lymphNodes, male, malignancy, medical, medicine, minimallyInvasiveSurgery, needle, oesophageal, oncology, operating, pancreas, PancreaticCancer, PancreaticDuct, patient, probe, procedure, rectal, rectoscope, rectum, removal, removing, resection, scan, scanning, screening, sedated, sonogram, sonography, stomach, surgery, surgical, testing, tool, transrectal, tumors, tumour, ultrasonic, ultrasound, UltrasoundScanner, UpperDigestiveTract
Resolution | Low, HIgh |
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