Showing 133–144 of 159 results

General Medical (M)

Alcoholism, Alcohol & the Body


General Medical (M)

Obese man eating hamburger


Gastrointestinal (GIT)

Flexible Endoscope


Cardiothoracic (CT)

Coronary artery stent


Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Paranasal sinuses


Ophthalmology (OPH)

Retinal Detachment


General Medical (M)

Epidural vs. Spinal Anaesthesia


Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Larynx and vocal cords


Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O-G)

Dilatation and Curettage


Cardiothoracic (CT)

Myocardial infarct


Dentistry (D)

Dental implant
