Procidentia – Uterine prolapse – Medical Illustration
An Anatomical illustration showing in detail displacement of Female pelvic organs in Proplase.
The term Procidentia refers to the complete prolapse beyond the level of the hymen distally. Uterus or the Vaginal vault permanently protrudes out of the Vagina as a result of weakening of supporting tissues.
The A section of the illustration depicts Normal anatomy. Section B is a visual depiction of the organs protruding in a severe case of Procidentia. The Uterus and parts of the Bladder and Rectum are coming out of the Genital hiatus.
Women with Procidentia have poor coordination of pelvic muscle relaxation and contraction, associated bowel dysfunction, and underlying urinary incontinence.
Low Res for the Web and iPad: 800x1029px, 72 DPI,373Kb: $AUS 400
High Res for prints: 20×25.7cm, 300DPI, 21.7Mb: $AUS 750
(plus GST in Australia)