Showing 97–108 of 159 results

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (PAS)



Ophthalmology (OPH)

Orbit anatomy


General Medical (M)

E-cig butt


Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O-G)

Procidentia – Uterine prolapse


Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O-G)

Uterine Fibroids and Polyps


Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (PAS)

Dermal filler injection and skin changes


Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (PAS)

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Surgery


Gastrointestinal (GIT)

POSE Endoluminal Obesity Surgery


Gastrointestinal (GIT)



Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (PAS)

Open Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery
